A Mummys View

Telling it like it is

I guess I should write about it a bit more really!

on September 30, 2012

I haven’t really written a lot about my pregnancy so far, it’s strange, as when I had my little girl, I kept a journal and wrote in it religiously, I was shopping for items, planning the nursery and excited constantly, but this pregnancy has felt different. I haven’t had the energy or the motivation and have felt pretty crappy throughout the whole period so far. I had morning sickness till week 12 and haven’t slept well for weeks now, functioning on an average of 4-5hrs sleep a night. I’ve started a new, more senior role and am working longer days and having to be up earlier and as a result am feeling even more shattered. The last few weeks has seen my hips (as you know I am disabled) start to play up and I am getting very uncomfortable and in a lot of pain on and off, as I write this I have retreated to the bedroom under hubby’s orders to rest and get a break.

After I had my daughter I always thought to myself that if I had another I would keep an even better diary and mark every moment even more, but I just can’t seem to find the oompf I had back when I had my daughter and I almost feel bad for it being this way. It’s almost like I am so distracted with everything else going on in my life (I have a few other problems that I am hoping will end well and not in more stress) that I don’t have time to really think about it or give this poor little thing that is growing inside me the attention it deserves, and I guess when you have most of the things you need from the first time round there’s less shopping and planning to do too.

So… with a  bit of time out ordered I have decided to write about where I am to date with “bumpety” as hubby has nicknamed baby. I’m now 19 weeks pregnant (20 on Tuesday) and I’ve been feeling baby kick lots it in the last couple of weeks, it’s very active, which I guess is a good thing! I was sure I had been feeling little “pops” or kicks practically since week 11 / 12 but you’re never quite sure if it’s just a rumble, your imagination or an actual kick! Then one night at around 15 weeks I felt an unreal sensation in my tummy, it was so weird, like tremendous flutters, going full pelt! It was much stronger than the first sensations I had when  had my little girl. It went on for a good 30 seconds, then stopped, but an hour later, and an hour again after that I felt it and since then I regularly feel ripples and vibrations, which is always lovely and comforting. They are so regular I am sure baby will be joining the Riverdance contingent from an early age! 🙂

I’ve mentioned the sore hips and insomnia, not great but something I just have to get on with, strangely the tiredness is actually becoming easy to cope with and 4-5hrs sleep and red rimmed eyes is just the norm now! The hips are slightly more problematic when you have a two year old who wants you to get down on the floor and play, be carried or climb on you constantly, but this is something we are having to try to work around.

On a positive from the niggly side effects, it’s nice to be out in the open with things now. As mentioned, I am in a new role now, which I had applied for and interviewed for prior to me finding out I was pregnant. I was obviously thrilled to be offered the job, but I was so nervous about the prospect of having to tell them and gutted that I couldn’t even let it slip a little bit to the colleagues I currently worked with, who had supported me so much the first time round. However, that is all out of the way now and it’s officially out in the open and I can dress without fear of showing my bump hurrah!!!

I’ve had some more news of late that means possible changes could be afoot for me and I don’t know how this will pan out, whether it will mean more stress or work out well, I just have to wait and see. So I guess I have a lot on my mind too, which can be draining in itself, but hopefully soon, things will be clearer, I will be less drained and I will find the lovely pregnancy glow that I got last time… god please let me find the glow! lol!!!

I am looking forward to my 20 week scan in the next week or so, there’s always the obvious apprehension of whether everything is ok, but it’s lovely to see your little one on the big screen. We are probably going to find out what we are having again, I am too impatient and have a gut feeling that this one is a boy, if so I need to prepare as there’s far too much pink in my house and I have no idea about diggers, trucks, cars and all things blue!

I was sat thinking today about the children on either side of our family and trying to work out if there was a swing either way but it’s fairly even, there’s 8 girls, 6 on my side and 2 on  the husband’s and 7 boys, 1 on my side and the rest on my husband’s. Anyone want to hedge a bet and we’ll have an online sweepstake and I will update in a couple of weeks!

Lots of my friends are having / have had babies at the minute ( 11 in total!!!) and for many it’s their second. I am finding this nice as not only will we all be going through it together again (and as I am at the end of most of them I can learn how to cope with two from them all!), but also, it means that my little girl is seeing all of her friends get little brothers or sisters, and it therefore almost seems natural to her. She has a cousin who is just under a year and a half younger than her too and she loves her to bits, so hopefully all the babies will be a real help in the long term!

All in all, things seem to progressing well, I am almost half way through… 20 down 19 / 20 to go!

8 responses to “I guess I should write about it a bit more really!

  1. Hey bump buddy, I know the feeling of having a heaving toddler using your tummy as a climbing frame and I struggling to carry my little boy around already but as he is not walking yet I don’t see myself stopping! Hope then next half gets better for you x

    • amummysview says:

      aww thank you honey. Yup it aint as easy second time round but here’s to a better second half! Looking forward to keeping track of how you’re doing and sharing the high’s and lows! x

  2. Tea&Biscotti says:

    This was like looking in the mirror! I so get that the felling big not being able to dedicate time to bond with the newbie because you’re so busy getting in with life; baby no 1, the husband, the house, the job! It’s never ending & totally exhausting.
    Good on your hubby for forcing you to take a well deserved break!
    Good luck with the scan.. Now that I e sorted out my WordPress reader, I can keep up to date with your story.

  3. Mummy Plum says:

    Just popped over from twitter. Congrats on your pregnancy. I’m pregnant with no 2 as well. (32 weeks). I can so identify with the sore hips, limited sleep and tired, red rimmed eyes. Baby hasn’t even got here and I look and feel like a zombie! Hope the last trimester gets better for you.

    • amummysview says:

      I feel awful to say that I am glad to hear I’m not the only one! lol! It’s so much harder second time round! Congrats on yours! Not long now! Hope you manage to get some form of rest xxx

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